ReftOnbia Pvt. Ltd.

How to create seller account on Flipkart

It will only take a few minutes to create a seller account on Flipkart, and the rewards could last for several years. To assist you in successfully registering on our platform, we have put together an eight-step guide. Create a seller account on flipkart will help you to business widely range. Let us now create a seller account on flipkart and use Flipkart Seller Hub to begin selling products online from home.

      1. Enter contact details: Go to “” and select the “Start Selling” option to create a seller account on flipkart on the Flipkart Seller Hub. You will receive an OTP after entering your phone number. Complete the mobile verification by entering the code. Proceed to enter your email address after that.
      2. Enter your GSTIN or PAN number: “What are you looking to sell on Flipkart?” is the question that appears directly below the section with contact details. “All Categories” and “Only Books” are the two options available to you. Choose the option that best suits your needs. You have to enter and validate your GSTIN if you select the first option. On the other hand, selecting the latter would require PAN verification. Once this data has been entered, click “Register & Continue.”
      3. Create a password: Creating a strong password with at least eight characters is the next and most important step in this online selling guide. Together with a capital and lowercase letter, a special character should be included. Finally, type your display name and full name, then press the “Continue” button.

    1. To create a seller account on Flipkart, you have to follow the below process. You will be taken to a dashboard where the status of both completed and incomplete data is shown. You can finish your profile and fill in some crucial details by following the next few steps in this online selling guide.

        1. Verify your email: Completing this step is essential to following this guide on online selling, just as is verifying your mobile number. Visit the onboarding dashboard to do this. Here, you will see a button beside your email address. You click, and then get an email containing a verification link. All you have to do is click on it, and your email will be validated instantly.
        2. Enter your signature: Among the most important steps in this guide to online selling is this one. Your electronic signature is equally important as your physical one. You have two choices to choose from here: “Draw” and “Create.” You will need to manually draw your signature on your computer or phone if you select the first option. It is ideal to use a mouse or stylus for this process.

      But with the latter, all you have to do is type in your name, and an electronic signature will be generated for you on the spot. Click “Add” after you have drawn or created it. Keep in mind that all of your invoices will use your e-signature, so make your choice carefully.

          1. Enter the store and pickup information: To guarantee a smooth process for the delivery executive, the information you provide about your store and pickup location must be accurate. Keep in mind that since your products will be picked up from this location, the address and pincode are crucial pieces of information.

        Both the store’s and its owner’s names must be entered. Then, after that, enter the pin code of your store and write a succinct but eye-catching description of it. Provide the exact address of your store, and click on the “Save” button.

            1. Enter your bank details: You have to fill out this section of the online selling guide with details about the bank that your business uses. Enter the IFSC code and the number of your bank account. The details provided in your GSTIN and this information must match. A secure and prompt payment cycle is ensured by filling out this information. The seller goes through an open and transparent process to receive their money in a secure and timely manner.
            2. Making a new listing: Making a new listing for one of your products is the last step in this online selling guide. It is one of the most important registration phases. It can factor into the buying decisions of shoppers.

          You need to use high-definition photos and include an accurate description in order to create an effective listing. If needed, you should also include the product’s main selling points and any maintenance guidelines. Additionally, you ought to include information regarding the policy for returns and replacements. Let us learn how to do that.

          On the onboarding page, select “Go to Listing” by clicking the button. The option “List your own products.” will be visible to you here. You can register your product on the page that appears after it goes live. Simply add the required details, and you are good to go.

          ReftOnbia Pvt Ltd is one of the top grossing ecommerce marketplace account management service in Delhi. They help sellers to manage their account on online platform. If you are struggling, manage your business on online platform than ReftOnbia Pvt Ltd help you manage your online platform account. 

          Now that you understand how to launch an online store, sign up with Flipkart Seller Hub and begin your ecommerce adventure!

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